In October 2015 Our ERDA-members from the USA, 4 dentists and 8 dental nurses and 4 helpers, have given medical assistens to the needed Eritrean refugiee in various camps in northern Ethiopia.

We would like to thank all persons and institutions in Australia, Africa, Europe and in America, which supported us with their commitment, experience, help and input, so that our missions in the year 2015 be really successful.      

Particularly: we thank to the people and the government of Ethiopia who simplified the trip of the team to reach the needed Eritrean refugees in the four camps of Mai Aini, and Adi Harush, Shmelba and Hintsats in the northern region of Tigrai.

Mai Aini was chosen as central site of the Operation:

The Team dentists have stayed in the refugees camp Mai Aini to provide the following clinical stations:

1. Triage   2. Screening   3.Treatment   4. Education

The 5 days mission started according the plan arranged with ARRA, on the 26th of October with Mai Aini.  the people from 4 camps Mai Aini, Adi Harush were treated each one and half day and one day for Shimelba and one another day for Hintsats.

The whole team were working from Monday to Thursday about 13 to 14 hours almost nonstop even in lunch time by dividing themselves in two groups. When group A were at lunch group B continue their work and so on.

Members of the team were:

Dr. Esther Ghebremichael, Chief of S4AS                

Dr. Chase L. Andreason

Dr. Iris Corina Mc Nicholl                                          

Dr. Senait Gebrewold

Mr. Michele Mendoza, coordinator

Mrs. Miriam Yemane, reception 

Mrs. Hiwet Ghebremichael, Education                          

Mr. Berhanu Selassie Sterilisation

Mr. Bemnet Keflezighi Sterilisation

And the helpers from the camp whos names wanted not to be mensioned.

The Team has donated items worth of 9,429 dollars to ERDA´s Health project.

On the final day the teame visited The Ma`abel school that gives Assistance our Children from Knito and Knin.

In the school the team gave them some educational advices and distributed tooth brush for more than 1800 under age children.

We were very welcomed by all beneficiaries in general and in particular by the school children.



We would like to thank all persons and institutions, which supported our project with their commitment, experience, help and input, so that our missions in the year 2015 to be successful.

ERDA would like to thanks to all ARRA staffs from the head office to the northern region of Ethiopia in general.